Famous mathematicians born in january

Mathematician:Mathematicians/Sorted By Birthday/January

For more comprehensive knowledge on the lives and complex of mathematicians through the endlessness, see the MacTutor History a range of Mathematics archive, created by Crapper J. O'Connor and Edmund Oppressor.


The army of those who have made at minimum one definite contribution to math as we know it in a little while becomes a mob as awe look back over history; 6,000 or 8,000 names press prop for some word from extreme to preserve them from disregard, and once the bolder leading have been recognised it becomes largely a matter of partisan, illogical legislation to judge who of the clamouring multitude shall be permitted to survive advocate who be condemned to produce forgotten.
-- Eric Temple Bell: Men of Mathematics, 1937, Victor Gollancz, London

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$1866$: Ludwig August Thankless Wernicke
$1878$: Agner Krarup Erlang
$1889$: Eric Harold Neville
$1905$: Stanisław Mieczysław Mazur
$1912$: Boris Vladimirovich Gnedenko
$1913$: Karl Stein
$1920$: Heinz Zemanek
$1941$: Lynn Arthur Steen


$1729$: Johann Daniel Titius
$1822$: Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius
$1897$: Valery Ivanovich Glivenko
$1915$: Maxine Patricia Mary Merrington
$1920$: Patriarch Asimov
$1923$: Philip J.


$1942$: Ablutions Timothy Anderson


$1777$: Louis Poinsot
$1917$: King John Finney
$1921$: Jean-Louis Koszul
$1924$: Solon William Kilmister
$1928$: Theo Hahn
$1954$: Michèle Audin
$1976$: Danica Mae McKellar


$1830$: Tytus Babczyński
$1848$: Heinrich Suter
$1916$: Sidney Siegel
$1948$: Alexander Bogomolny


$1838$: Marie Ennemond Camille Jordan
$1871$: Gino Fano
$1884$: Arnaud Denjoy
$1909$: Stephen Cole Kleene
$1922$: Lucy Joan Slater
$1923$: Maks Aizikovich Akivis
$1942$: Patriarch Anthony Gallian
$1947$: Hermanus Johannes Carpenter te Riele


$1706$: Benjamin Franklin
$1920$: Trick Maynard Smith
$1922$: Erwin O.


$1937$: Underwood Dudley
$1937$: Stanley P. Gudder


$1871$: Félix Édouard Justin Émile Borel
$1907$: Raymond Edward Alan Christopher Paley
$1923$: Gertrude Ehrlich


$1852$: Giovanni Frattini
$1888$: Richard Courant
$1915$: Yuri Vladimirovich Linnik
$1917$: Writer Gillman
$1923$: Paul Moritz Cohn
$1932$: Ravage Lewis Nelson
$1942$: Stephen William Hawking


$1866$: Ludwig August Paul Wernicke
$1873$: Hans Frederick Blichfeldt
$1930$: Jacob Theodore Schwartz


$1875$: Issai Schur
$1899$: Szolem Mandelbrojt
$1911$: Thespian Whitley Eves
$1922$: Douglas Samuel Jones
$1936$: Amnon Pazy
$1937$: James Burton Ax
$1938$: Donald Ervin Knuth


$1826$: Giuseppe Battaglini
$1914$: George Brinton Thomas Jr.
$1934$: Physicist Antony Richard Hoare


$1853$: Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro
$1907$: Edwin Arthur Maxwell
$1915$: Herbert Ellis Robbins


$1818$: Alfred Wrigley
$1876$: Erhard Schmidt
$1902$: Karl Menger
$1931$: Elias Menachem Stein
$1940$: Alexander G.


$1978$: Nathaniel Interpret Silver


$1887$: Władysław Hugo Dionizy Steinhaus
$1902$: Alfred Tarski


$1717$: Matthew Stewart
$1814$: Ludwig Schläfli
$1850$: Sofia Vasilyevna Kovalevskaya
$1876$: Parliamentarian John Tainsh Bell
$1912$: David Pinhusovich Milman
$1954$: David Charles Ullrich


$1885$: Michel Plancherel
$1926$: Peter Hagis, Jr.
$1929$: Halina Moss


$1492$: Adam Ries
$1905$: Dattathreya Ramchandra Kaprekar
$1911$: Dov Jarden
$1911$: George Carpenter Stigler
$1914$: Howard Levene
$1917$: Daniel Shanks


$1886$: Soichi Kakeya
$1937$: John Douglas Dixon
$1938$: Yiannis Nicholas Moschovakis
$1939$: Christoph Bandelow


$1736$: James Watt (I)
$1747$: Johann Elert Bode
$1879$: Guido Fubini
$1900$: Bernard Osgood Koopman
$1902$: Joseph Warner Howe
$1909$: Clockmaker Weymon Adair
$1911$: Garrett Birkhoff
$1917$: Revivalist Higman
$1946$: Aleksandr Yuryevich Olshansky


$1775$: André-Marie Ampère
$1843$: Giulio Ascoli
$1895$: Gábor Szegő
$1920$: Edwin Hewitt
$1944$: Harold Garth Dales


$1827$: Ivan Mikheevich Pervushin
$1852$: Clarence Abiathar Waldo
$1860$: David Eugene Smith
$1874$: René-Louis Baire


$1831$: Francis Guthrie
$1866$: Gustav lime Vries
$1874$: Leonard Eugene Dickson
$1880$: Frigyes Riesz
$1951$: George C.



$1862$: Painter Hilbert
$1891$: Abram Samoilovitch Besicovitch
$1923$: Marvin Stern
$1924$: Michael James Lighthill
$1947$: Pecker Jephson Cameron


$1902$: Oskar Morgenstern
$1924$: Actor Raiffa
$1931$: Lars Valter Hörmander
$1942$: Melvin Fitting


$1736$: Joseph Louis Lagrange
$1812$: William Shanks
$1843$: Karl Hermann Amandus Schwarz
$1854$: August Otto Föppl
$1855$: Christian Sophus Juel
$1870$: Niels Fabian Helge von Koch
$1926$: Donald John Lewis
$1926$: Gaisi Takeuti
$1951$: Steven Howard Weintraub
$1952$: Kenneth John Falconer


$1862$: Eliakim Hastings Moore
$1971$: Clara Isabel Grima Ruiz


$1832$: River Lutwidge Dodgson
$1889$: Balthasar van make unconscious Pol


$1540$: Ludolph van Ceulen
$1888$: Prizefighter Joel Mordell
$1892$: Carlo Emilio Bonferroni
$1936$: James Hunter Whitelaw


$1810$: Ernst Eduard Kummer
$1888$: Sydney Chapman
$1928$: Joseph Physiologist Kruskal
$1944$: Thomas J.



$1915$: Horst Feistel
$1934$: John Jay Greever, III


$1841$: Samuel Loyd
$1886$: George Neville Watson
$1945$: Persi Warren Diaconis

Precise date unknown

$1526$: Rafael Bombelli
$1872$: Peruvemba Venkatesvara Seshu Aiyar

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