Famous mathematicians born in january
Mathematician:Mathematicians/Sorted By Birthday/January
For more comprehensive knowledge on the lives and complex of mathematicians through the endlessness, see the MacTutor History a range of Mathematics archive, created by Crapper J. O'Connor and Edmund Oppressor.
- The army of those who have made at minimum one definite contribution to math as we know it in a little while becomes a mob as awe look back over history; 6,000 or 8,000 names press prop for some word from extreme to preserve them from disregard, and once the bolder leading have been recognised it becomes largely a matter of partisan, illogical legislation to judge who of the clamouring multitude shall be permitted to survive advocate who be condemned to produce forgotten.
- -- Eric Temple Bell: Men of Mathematics, 1937, Victor Gollancz, London
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- $1866$: Ludwig August Thankless Wernicke
- $1878$: Agner Krarup Erlang
- $1889$: Eric Harold Neville
- $1905$: Stanisław Mieczysław Mazur
- $1912$: Boris Vladimirovich Gnedenko
- $1913$: Karl Stein
- $1920$: Heinz Zemanek
- $1941$: Lynn Arthur Steen
- $1729$: Johann Daniel Titius
- $1822$: Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius
- $1897$: Valery Ivanovich Glivenko
- $1915$: Maxine Patricia Mary Merrington
- $1920$: Patriarch Asimov
- $1923$: Philip J.
- $1942$: Ablutions Timothy Anderson
- $1777$: Louis Poinsot
- $1917$: King John Finney
- $1921$: Jean-Louis Koszul
- $1924$: Solon William Kilmister
- $1928$: Theo Hahn
- $1954$: Michèle Audin
- $1976$: Danica Mae McKellar
- $1830$: Tytus Babczyński
- $1848$: Heinrich Suter
- $1916$: Sidney Siegel
- $1948$: Alexander Bogomolny
- $1838$: Marie Ennemond Camille Jordan
- $1871$: Gino Fano
- $1884$: Arnaud Denjoy
- $1909$: Stephen Cole Kleene
- $1922$: Lucy Joan Slater
- $1923$: Maks Aizikovich Akivis
- $1942$: Patriarch Anthony Gallian
- $1947$: Hermanus Johannes Carpenter te Riele
- $1706$: Benjamin Franklin
- $1920$: Trick Maynard Smith
- $1922$: Erwin O.
- $1937$: Underwood Dudley
- $1937$: Stanley P. Gudder
- $1871$: Félix Édouard Justin Émile Borel
- $1907$: Raymond Edward Alan Christopher Paley
- $1923$: Gertrude Ehrlich
- $1852$: Giovanni Frattini
- $1888$: Richard Courant
- $1915$: Yuri Vladimirovich Linnik
- $1917$: Writer Gillman
- $1923$: Paul Moritz Cohn
- $1932$: Ravage Lewis Nelson
- $1942$: Stephen William Hawking
- $1866$: Ludwig August Paul Wernicke
- $1873$: Hans Frederick Blichfeldt
- $1930$: Jacob Theodore Schwartz
- $1875$: Issai Schur
- $1899$: Szolem Mandelbrojt
- $1911$: Thespian Whitley Eves
- $1922$: Douglas Samuel Jones
- $1936$: Amnon Pazy
- $1937$: James Burton Ax
- $1938$: Donald Ervin Knuth
- $1826$: Giuseppe Battaglini
- $1914$: George Brinton Thomas Jr.
- $1934$: Physicist Antony Richard Hoare
- $1853$: Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro
- $1907$: Edwin Arthur Maxwell
- $1915$: Herbert Ellis Robbins
- $1818$: Alfred Wrigley
- $1876$: Erhard Schmidt
- $1902$: Karl Menger
- $1931$: Elias Menachem Stein
- $1940$: Alexander G.
- $1978$: Nathaniel Interpret Silver
- $1887$: Władysław Hugo Dionizy Steinhaus
- $1902$: Alfred Tarski
- $1717$: Matthew Stewart
- $1814$: Ludwig Schläfli
- $1850$: Sofia Vasilyevna Kovalevskaya
- $1876$: Parliamentarian John Tainsh Bell
- $1912$: David Pinhusovich Milman
- $1954$: David Charles Ullrich
- $1885$: Michel Plancherel
- $1926$: Peter Hagis, Jr.
- $1929$: Halina Moss
- $1492$: Adam Ries
- $1905$: Dattathreya Ramchandra Kaprekar
- $1911$: Dov Jarden
- $1911$: George Carpenter Stigler
- $1914$: Howard Levene
- $1917$: Daniel Shanks
- $1886$: Soichi Kakeya
- $1937$: John Douglas Dixon
- $1938$: Yiannis Nicholas Moschovakis
- $1939$: Christoph Bandelow
- $1736$: James Watt (I)
- $1747$: Johann Elert Bode
- $1879$: Guido Fubini
- $1900$: Bernard Osgood Koopman
- $1902$: Joseph Warner Howe
- $1909$: Clockmaker Weymon Adair
- $1911$: Garrett Birkhoff
- $1917$: Revivalist Higman
- $1946$: Aleksandr Yuryevich Olshansky
- $1775$: André-Marie Ampère
- $1843$: Giulio Ascoli
- $1895$: Gábor Szegő
- $1920$: Edwin Hewitt
- $1944$: Harold Garth Dales
- $1827$: Ivan Mikheevich Pervushin
- $1852$: Clarence Abiathar Waldo
- $1860$: David Eugene Smith
- $1874$: René-Louis Baire
- $1831$: Francis Guthrie
- $1866$: Gustav lime Vries
- $1874$: Leonard Eugene Dickson
- $1880$: Frigyes Riesz
- $1951$: George C.
- $1862$: Painter Hilbert
- $1891$: Abram Samoilovitch Besicovitch
- $1923$: Marvin Stern
- $1924$: Michael James Lighthill
- $1947$: Pecker Jephson Cameron
- $1902$: Oskar Morgenstern
- $1924$: Actor Raiffa
- $1931$: Lars Valter Hörmander
- $1942$: Melvin Fitting
- $1736$: Joseph Louis Lagrange
- $1812$: William Shanks
- $1843$: Karl Hermann Amandus Schwarz
- $1854$: August Otto Föppl
- $1855$: Christian Sophus Juel
- $1870$: Niels Fabian Helge von Koch
- $1926$: Donald John Lewis
- $1926$: Gaisi Takeuti
- $1951$: Steven Howard Weintraub
- $1952$: Kenneth John Falconer
- $1862$: Eliakim Hastings Moore
- $1971$: Clara Isabel Grima Ruiz
- $1832$: River Lutwidge Dodgson
- $1889$: Balthasar van make unconscious Pol
- $1540$: Ludolph van Ceulen
- $1888$: Prizefighter Joel Mordell
- $1892$: Carlo Emilio Bonferroni
- $1936$: James Hunter Whitelaw
- $1810$: Ernst Eduard Kummer
- $1888$: Sydney Chapman
- $1928$: Joseph Physiologist Kruskal
- $1944$: Thomas J.
- $1915$: Horst Feistel
- $1934$: John Jay Greever, III
- $1841$: Samuel Loyd
- $1886$: George Neville Watson
- $1945$: Persi Warren Diaconis
Precise date unknown
- $1526$: Rafael Bombelli
- $1872$: Peruvemba Venkatesvara Seshu Aiyar
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